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Welcome to Howard CC FYI

This site is for those who have been abused and silenced by the current administration at Howard Community College. Anonymous comments have been submitted here and also gathered from various sites on the internet and placed here for public review.

This is a forum for everyone who has attended, interacted with, is currently working at, or has been terminated from Howard Community College during the current administration and would like to talk back.

Note: This site is not sponsored by or associated with the recently created HCC faculty union.

Want to talk back?

Click here to submit a comment about your experience at Howard Community College. All comments are anonymous.

Click here for information on how to contact Howard Community College leadership or Howard County leadership.

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What people are saying about HCC:
From: Employee September 15, 2024
Presidential disgrace
Ever since the new president started she wore sheep’s clothing. Soon she hired her “right hand” HR person who with her ruined good people who made HCC great. We are talking about 20 plus year employees who got HCC the recognition and respect it earned. Today, her hatchet man is finally gone because of his shady HR tactics. She knew and orchestrated all his movements, claiming that it was his doings. Spying on our emails and going after coworkers who associated outside of work parties of those she fired. It’s a college not a regime. Shame on the board for allowing her to continue to give excuses that it’s part of change. Sorry you don't tear down your life line for a petty power greed and self indulged presidency. Giving herself an over spent inauguration and 100K raise is ridiculous while providing delusions of a successful leadership. Just followup on her last college and hear from them how she ruined them as well.
Advice to the Administration:
Do the right thing. Open your eyes so many people cant be wrong. It’s not made up. You board members are just too proud you made a poor choice to lead this college. Effectively I will not return to my position because the rumors I heard are true. And I will be whistleblowing about misappropriating funds.

From: Other September 13, 2024
Word is getting out
In just the last three days this website has had anonymous visits from the following organizations:

Chronicle of Higher Education
Clark Art Institute
Cleveland State Community Col
Harford Community College
Houston Community College System
Howard Community College
Howard County, Maryland
Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System (IHETS)
Juniata College
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Montgomery College
Morningside College
Onondaga Community College
Snohomish County Government
Social Security Administration
State of Maryland
The Howard University
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
University of Washington
University System of Maryland
Virginia Community College System
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges

There is no way to be certain of the reasons for these visits but it is clear that people are becoming aware of the state of affairs at HCC.


From: Employee September 10, 2024
No contracts for adjunct faculty
The Fall 2024 semester began on Saturday, August 24. Most classes started on Monday, August 26. Adjunct faculty began working (reporting to uncompensated meetings, preparing our Canvas classes and publishing them by the 22nd) the week before classes began.

Adjunct faculty no longer receive contracts from the College. The only record we have of our teaching assignments is an entry in the "stipend history" in our staff portals. There is no description of our duties, only the course(s) we are teaching, the stipend for each course, and our expected pay dates.

This semester we have been told (but only through department heads, not from the College officially) that entries reflecting this semester's assignments would appear in our stipend histories by "September 9 or 10," with first pay scheduled for September 27. September 27 is more than a month after we started working.

It is now after close of business on September 10. There's nothing in my portal. Will this affect our first pay date? Who knows? The College tells us nothing.

For adjunct faculty who rely on their earnings, this is a very serious issue. For all adjunct faculty, this careless approach to our stipends is inexcusable and extremely disrespectful.

But it is also typical of how badly HCC functions during Dr. Willis' time here. Everyone who knew how to make the College run has been fired or driven out. Nobody in charge has any institutional memory. In some cases, even the people who replaced the people who knew how to make HCC run properly have resigned or been fired.

The whole administration is a dumpster fire, but HR is particularly bad.
Advice to the Administration:
The current administration broke HR, and the current administration needs to fix it. If Dr. Willis is unwilling or unable to do this, she should resign immediately.

The Board of Trustees should take note of the failures and chaos all around the College, and start holding Dr. Willis and her team (her always expanding, highly paid team) to account.

The Governor appoints Trustees. He should take notice of their really terrible oversight.

From: County Resident September 10, 2024
A sad state of affairs….
It’s a sad day when a site like this has emerged. We’ve seen dysfunction and conflict at some of our state’s institutions of higher learning, but we never expected to see anything like this at Howard Community College. For most of the 21st century, HCC has been seen as a leading institution in this state and beyond, a place where people love to work, a place where people would stay for decades. That reputation has been tarnished.
Advice to the Administration:
Rather than dismissing the criticisms here as being “racist and sexist”, consider how many people of color and women have been trampled by this new regime. Consider that some of the criticisms might actually be coming from people of color and women. You have lost a lot of their support…well, the ones that are still there, that is. Some of those women and people of color would have gone to bat for Dr. Willis and VP Carter a couple of years ago; now you couldn’t pay some of them to hold a water hose on you if you were on fire. You’ve driven away many great staff and faculty and, in turn, students. Keep pretending this is about racism and sexism. Your former employees are doing great things at Anne Arundel Community College, the Community College of Baltimore County, and beyond. Maryland is a small state, and news travel fast. Bad news travels FASTER. Everyone can’t be telling the same lies on you. Things are getting ugly. The worst part of this is that Dr. Willis is going out of her way to see that no person of color gets the president’s job at HCC in the near future.

From: Other September 10, 2024
Enough Talk
This site is interesting, maybe therapeutic, but will it do any good for positive change? If so many people feel leadership is this bad, and the working culture and reputation of the college has collapsed, why not hold a confidence vote? How long before these issues start to seriously impact students? If the faculty and staff voted no confidence in leadership, that would surly go public, and there would likely be action.

Would anyone at the faculty senate or staff groups dream of putting a confidence vote on the table, and would anybody support it? Seems like whoever did that would likely be fired, which should be illegal, but in the current environment I can see it would be a legitimate concern. There’s a rumor that there’s several pending wrongful termination lawsuits against the college, if that’s true, you could add one more to the pile.

Another option might be to learn about the board members, who are ultimately responsible for current college leadership, and consider boycotting their businesses.

Or, if a confidence vote happened, and turned out “yes”, then move on and reap what you've sowed.

From: Employee September 10, 2024
Former employee
Dr. Willis, you are being judged not by the color of your skin, but by the content of your character.

It’s not surprising that you read this website and letters sent to the board of trustees, elected officials, etc and blame the writers. Your actions related to the college are often narcissistic and self-serving, so why should this be any different? You made it very clear very early in your tenure that you do not tolerate dissent, and you repeatedly choose a defensive posture in the face of any criticism.

When several members of your senior team decided they could no longer work for you, you had them escorted off campus by armed guard rather than letting them complete their generous notice periods to transition knowledge to their teams. You directed staff to cover up violations of campus policy committed by one of your family members. You locked the doors and called security when the new faculty union came to present you with their paperwork. That is the administrative equivalent of a child sticking their fingers in their ears and going “la la la I can’t hear you.”

What do you honestly think when you look back on moments like those? Do you truly believe you are doing the right thing? That your actions are always right and justified, and for the good of the college? Is there any part of you that realizes you could have acted differently for a better outcome?

No one wants for this website to have to exist--not us, not you. But your actions have a substantial negative impact on college faculty, staff, and students, not to mention donors, community members, and neighboring colleges and universities, and you've literally closed the doors on anyone trying to have a real conversation.
Advice to the Administration:
You lost HCC’s trust a long time ago. If you truly changed your behavior, could you get it back?

From: Employee September 9, 2024
Former professor
When Dr. Willis started at HCC, I was hopefully optimistic. I could tell right away that she was charismatic, passionate, willing to innovate, and unafraid to challenge the status quo. I was fine with her ruffling some feathers. The college needed a breath of fresh air and she was more than ready to provide that. At that time, the college needed someone to unite behind, as we were generally exhausted by the COVID semesters and other organizational challenges. I was ready to support her and told her so.

After living through several months of her leadership, I realized that she lacked three essential qualities:
1. Humility. See the many other posts on this site about narcissism. They are not exaggerating.
2. Administrative ability. She has proven that she cannot implement change or manage the day-to-day operations of the institution.
3. Hiring wisdom. If you don't have #2, you MUST be able to hire a great team that can do it for you....and you must have the humility (see #1) to let them lead.

It is not enough to be inspirational. It is not enough to glad-hand politicians and donors. It is not enough to win awards. The unglamorous duties of actually running the college are critical to being an effective leader.

Faculty and staff at HCC are somehow managing to protect students from the dysfunction. Up to this point, I believe that students have mostly been insulated from the problems, but I fear it is only a matter of time before students start to suffer.
Advice to the Administration:
Stop and listen to reasonable people expressing real complaints. There is no such thing as doing what's good for students while trampling faculty and staff in the process.

From: Student September 9, 2024
Everything has felt off since i arrived here
I'm going to keep this brief, but i have been a student at hcc since fall 2022-the exact time that the new leadership came in. My point of view is that of a student that has been here for more than two years, and just about to leave for a university, as most degree-seeking community college students will do.

Many of the services at hcc have been outstanding to my academic benefit. I highly appreciate that some services offered to students have been promoted from the new leadership, such as the food pantry, college cohorts and programs. However, i have experienced numerous issues, ESPECIALLY with financial aid and during the new regrouping of academic departments, such as the merging of health sciences and science/engineering.

I recall that I was once given TWO scholarships for programs i was in. The year following my first year, those scholarships suddenly disappeared. Where did they go? And I am not the only student that experienced this. Either something happened with the funds where they cannot be used towards the students, or we are losing donors for these scholarships. none of these options are good.

We have lost MANY professors that were passionate about teaching students and strived for their success, all because of the drastic changes and the toxic work environment stemming from fall 2022 onwards. This is embarrassing.

Also, what just happened to finals week??? Why is that no longer a thing?
Advice to the Administration:
Whatever works for 4 year colleges will be more challenging for a community college to work with, especially because hcc does not just cater to degree seeking students.

Stop treating adjunct faculty like they are disposable. These professors mean more to the students than the administration realizes. Whatever is going on with financial aid, fix it so that upcoming students do not go through the stress of watching their scholarships disappear for no real reason.

There has been some good, but plenty bad during these past two years. I hope that hcc continues to be looked at as a great community college for years to come, but with the damage that has already happened, it looks liek there's going to be a lot of fixing to do.

From: Employee September 8, 2024
Here for the students
I have been an adjunct at HCC and other local community colleges for many years. While the pay is low, I view the role as a blend of volunteer and paid work, and since I'm retired, I genuinely enjoy working with students and my colleagues. However, despite my enjoyment, I do rely on the income. Recently, HR issues at HCC have caused problems with timely payment. For this fall, adjuncts were required to start on August 20th, but I've just learned that my first paycheck won't come until September 30th. This seems to conflict with Maryland state wage payment laws (see: DLLR Wage Payment Laws).

Previously, we received contracts before the semester began, outlining our pay and class assignments. However, since the arrival of the new president and subsequent HR changes, we no longer receive this information in advance. This lack of communication has led to confusion about our pay and teaching assignments. Additionally, I know of another adjunct who had their pay reduced two weeks into the semester in the spring after some students dropped their class, with HCC stating they wouldn't honor the original pay.

My concerns are compounded by the fact that the new HR director (that has since left), selected by the president, has a criminal record and had access to our personal information.
Despite the dedication of those working directly with students, the high turnover and lack of clarity in HR are creating significant challenges and making it difficult for everyone involved.
Advice to the Administration:
Stop creating chaos and stop and reflect on what the root cause of dissatisfaction is. Review Maryland state labor laws, and insure that the college is not in violation.

From: Employee September 8, 2024
Really Sad
I told myself I wasn't going to comment. But here I am. Commenting.

To be honest - I am really sad. And tired.

I honestly had extremely high hopes for the new HCC President. In the beginning, I thought she brought in a fresh new energy. After a while, it began to dawn on me that the new razzle dazzle was just fluff and not much substance.

Great - we have millions of dollars for donations for a new building.

Buildings don't teach students. Faculty do.

Fancy new buildings do not teach students.
Advice to the Administration:
Faculty share the same goals as you all working as Admin. Work with Faculty. Collaborate. Bring back shared governance.

We can do beautiful things working together.

I want to bring back the magic that once was HCC.

Pointing to the exit doors? Counting all the exits and then telling Faculty to leave if they don't like it? Hearing and watching the President of HCC saying those words and making those gestures?

That was a dark moment. Those words were incredibly disrespectful and demeaning. And forever etched in my brain.

Choose respect and kindness instead.

From: Other September 7, 2024
Reputation dropping
As someone who works at another community college, I can tell you people are talking negatively about the leadership. Too much administrative overhaul.
Advice to the Administration:
Stop doing the photo shoots and focus on running the college.

From: County Resident September 7, 2024
Former Student (Actively Interested Party in HCC’s Future)
HCC was one of the most important chapters of my academic career and it truly was a “you can get there from here” environment for me and for many others. My instructors were the absolute best, as were student gov sponsors and participants, honors program sponsors and participants, and our diversity, equity, and inclusion student/faculty committee (one of several) that enabled us to do our best to ensure HCC was doing its best for all of HCC’s student population. I have been worried for some time that the new leadership team is more focused on self promoting flare than actually bettering the school itself. I am not surprised the least bit about the need for this website nor for the contents of these posts or the angle being used to dismiss its contents. True leadership allows avenues for feedback (anonymous surveys for one) and iterative improvement, refrains from self appreciative and promoting actions, and heeds the attrition of staff that made HCC what it was for decades - a forward leaning school that prided itself on its community and diversity well before ‘DEIA’ could be universally touted as a guise for one’s own agenda, as concerning. The need for this site / blog also seem potentially supported by the ease with which one can see how many highly qualified leaders (admin wise and faculty wise) have left since this pivot and then subsequent series of appointments were made. I would think this would alone compel an independent workforce and/or leadership study to assess the true culture and job satisfaction of HCC’s employees - the HCC that I knew would have already launched something like this and would have likely crafted something for students too. As an outside observer I can see what talented folks ‘were’ part of the HCC team that now have gone on to other community colleges and four year schools. This may be coincidence, it may also be telling.
Advice to the Administration:
Focus on actual campus, academics, and the HCC student body and less on buzz to generate self-seeking attention based needs. These posts are worrisome but not surprising. I have monitored posts from HCC for a long time and have always been proud of HCC and my time there, but it became clear immediately following HCC’s leadership change (and the array of appointees made in turn) that the school began to focus less on substance and more on the self appreciative PR flare needs of its leadership. This school gave me a lot, it helped me grow in ways I can’t even express. I graduated as my year’s top grad and received hand written (very kind) support from the former board and former president at the time - may be that some board members are the same, I am not sure. I just hope it’s telling that despite my deep passion and appreciation for HCC that I would think twice before sending my kids there were they college age and that pains me as I absolutely loved my time at HCC.

From: Other September 7, 2024
This is so dismissive
As posted on

"This is a website with anonymous comments leveling racist, sexist lies against our board of trustees and our president."
-- Jarrett Carter Sr., VP Howard Community College
-- External Affairs | Fundraising | Communications | Crisis Management | Strategic Planning
Advice to the Administration:
There are real issues at HCC that are rooted in administrative incompetence. Dismissing these issues by accusing everyone of racism, sexism, and lying doesn't make you appear to be anything more than a reactionary. Listen to those who work for you on the college's front-line.

This website would not be necessary if those who disagree with the current administration were not risking their jobs by speaking out. It is unfortunate but it is a reality.

From: Employee September 7, 2024
To community members
I’ve read several of the posts here from community members. I assure you that, in my experience, the staff and faculty at HCC continue their commitment to excellence, to students, and to the community we gratefully and proudly serve; hence, the college still delivers at a high level.

The issue is that it’s become harder than ever to maintain that high level of service in the atmosphere of malign values imposed by senior leadership. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always sunshine and roses at HCC. There have been rough patches and unpopular initiatives in the past. The difference then was that we worked in an environment of trust, professionalism, and civility, where employees could voice constructive concerns, and engage in thoughtful discussions with competent, highly respected leaders who listened, communicated, informed, and sometimes adapted. No more.

The oppressive atmosphere cultivated by senior leadership has been too much to bear for some, and sadly, we have lost superstars to resignations or egregious firings. What to do about it? Perhaps if enough people become aware of the real issues, there is hope for effective redress. We can still get there from here, even in our dreams.

From: Other September 7, 2024
The Community Deserves Some Answers
As a community member I am deeply troubled reading these posts about what is happening at HCC. What is even more troubling is that the only statement that has been made by the leadership has been a cavalier dismissal of ALL of these posts as "lies". There is no way this is all fabricated. There is truth behind these posts. HCC has been the pride of the community for so many years, but I am shook. Unless the leadership actually addresses these claims, I have lost my faith in this once-great institution.
Advice to the Administration:
The community deserves for these serious concerns to be addressed with facts and due diligence, not thoughtless and sweeping dismissal. And please treat the good people who work at HCC with some respect. The deep hurt and disappointment apparent in these posts is heart-breaking.

From: Other September 7, 2024
This Institution Is in Complete Crisis
I am employed at a neighboring four year school. I have been working for several years to establish partnerships and programs for students preparing to transition from HCC. I have worked with faculty and staff in various departments.

I cannot believe what is happening at HCC. My colleagues and contacts are in awe of what seems to be a full blown institutional meltdown. Since the new administration has taken the reins---almost from the first minute---the reputation of HCC has been destroyed. It seems to be the case that it is no longer a functioning college.

First of all, the administrative turnover is so high that it is impossible to make partnerships, or communicate between institutions. Their college restructuring and transition to half-semester classes have made working with HCC or even understanding what is going on nearly impossible. Their faculty morale is at rock bottom, with people working in absolute terror of the administration and no recourse. What is described to me is a total dystopian autocracy. They have literally removed academic freedom on campus, and there is no semblance of shared governance.

And worst of all, for many, many years this was an institution known for the quality of its programs and care for its students. Now it seems to be transforming into a personality cult with vindictive embarrassingly childish leaders who seem primary interested is self-promotion.
Advice to the Administration:
You can't have a college without faculty! You can't have a high-ranking and reputable college without excellent faculty. You can't have a pleasant learning environment without happy faculty.

The board who hired this collection of administrators should wake up to the damage they have caused to the people who work at this institution as well as its students. That board (and Howard County Executives, and the Governor) should understand that HCC's academic reputation has been seriously destroyed in the region, and things are only getting worse. I would start worrying about accreditation and the life of HCC---students will not be immune from the exceptionally low morale of faculty and staff, and low quality of life for the people who actually do the work at HCC.

From: Other September 7, 2024
"The ad hominem attack of this site (via LinkedIn) from VP Carter only demonstrates how weak the administration really is. Instead of addressing or even considering the criticism that's been offered they consistently attack the motivations as racist and/or sexist. This has been their go-to defense so many times now that's it's basically laughable. Being of a protected class does not insulate one from legitimate critiques."
Advice to the Administration:
Turn off your hyperactive racism and sexism detectors and focus on the content of the critiques presented here.

From: County Resident September 6, 2024
Seems simple to me...
HCC has a president bringing a lot of attention. I've never heard so many people talking about this place, and in a good way. Its the same campus that it has always been, family oriented and dedicated to helping students. But its also doing a lot more and we should be proud of that.

I hate to see that some people think so much bad is happening when I have seen so much good has happened in just a few years. I know people who work here and they love it but they would not write about it on a site like this. I imagine the campus has a lot of people who really enjoy the change that is taking place.

I don't know about all of the things people are saying here about offices and firings, but I have worked at many places where new leaders come in and a lot of lifers dont like change taking place, whether its positive or negative. I've lived here a long time and I know Howard County tends to make a big deal out of small things, and many times nothing at all.

I am happy for the students and really proud of the president. I hope she continues to make our college standout and stays for a long time. Everybody who doesn't like it, I'm sure you can find a great paying job at another college but its not worth attacking someone who is really helping HCC.
Advice to the Administration:
Go Dr. Willis!

From: Employee September 6, 2024
Fact: HCC president chose to highlight the site
Prez posted in rage and then deleted post. Shortly followed by the now widely seen Carter post. Why highlight this site? Makes no sense to me. Let’s talk facts:

1. Aug 2023 HCC funded and promoted the creation of the SJEC social justice equity center. December 2023 the entire staff of the office vacated.

2. HCC formerly had a robust DEI program both employee committee AND HR initiative. Both of which contributed to Willis hire. The DEI committee was dissolved and no longer exists for reasons unknown (some speculate that the consistent advice to management was not well received). HR was taken over by “someone I trust” per interview by president. See higher ed interview on YouTube. Subsequently nearly the entire HR department has departed and in some cases X times over. Most recent of which was the trusted new HR VP.

3. The historic donations are ironic given the largest of which (2.5 million) was gifted for the engineering program. To the best of my knowledge no faculty exists in said department. All vacated last year for unknown reasons (must be a great place to work).

4. Unprecedented turnover and employee departures since Willis arrival.

5. Formerly anonymous employee surveys are now require employee name. Still the data shows dissatisfaction. Data was covered up and manipulated by data.

6. Why promote this garbage page? For your own self interest and to silence violence critics as racist and sexist.
Advice to the Administration:
Could there be gender and racial bias? Certainly. Could there be some truth to the venting of disgruntled, gaslit, and mistreated employees? Certainly. Truth lies somewhere between these two extremes put forth here. There is a serious problem at HCC on many levels. As TRUE leaders those at the top should take ownership and responsibility.

From: Employee September 6, 2024
There are many concrete examples of poor leadership from Dr. Willis and her team that have nothing to do with race and sex. Great leaders don't get on stage in front of an entire workforce and casually wonder how many exits there are because if people don't like it they should find one. That's the highest degree of narcissism. (October 2022). Great leaders don't drive out the top leadership of entire departments (Finance, HR (twice!), Social Justice and Equity, DSS, RRVA, Enrollment Services). An HR department of cronies was allowed to run wild and cause unbelievable havoc among employees. Speaking of Finance - there is deep, deep dirt there and a cover-up. Get to the bottom of that and you'll see Dr. Willis just burned people to protect her own poor decisions. Great leaders care about how the college actually operates and not just the sizzle and the social media. Dig beneath many of the initiatives and you'll find a hollow core. Many of these will fail after she leaves.

You can talk about the surveys, but the agenda there is clear. Decades of surveys appropriately allowed for anonymous feedback by administrations that weren't so thin skinned. Now they ask for a name and expect real feedback? Dr. Willis states that no one has ever been fired for disagreeing with her, but that's known to not be true. Besides you can only have so many people escorted off campus by police before people get the message that dissent is not allowed.

Don't kid yourself - the VAST majority of employees aren't happy. We're home here and not leaving. They want a President who cares about the college and not just her own social media stock. They want a President who doesn't shed the staff who knew how to run the college. We aren't afraid of change - that's bs. They want a president to spend less time on LinkedIn making posts just to get people to tell her how great she is. Sad.
Advice to the Administration:
Less time on instagram. Less time on LinkedIn. More time caring about the college. Less time caring about yourself.

From: Employee September 6, 2024
Sunlight is the best disinfectant
Now that someone FINALLY spoke up about the clear racial and gender bias that drives this site and the unserious group of haters at HCC, it’s getting active…

No matter how hard a small group of people may try, most people working and taking classes at HCC are very happy. Numbers don’t lie - in donations, on surveys, in enrollment figures, in pay increases for all employees, in growing resources to support students and employees, and in hate. All of it is driven by achievement.
Advice to the Administration:
Recognize that people who are intimidated by a college growing its national profile aren’t in this for people. They aren’t in this for students to have an easier time paying for college, taking classes, making connections and living their dreams. They aren’t in this for employees to make a difference or to be part of a wonderful new era of diversity in leadership. What’s most important is for style and symbolism they don’t like to be silenced, regardless of the outcomes it produces.

Seems like there are three choices for the angry; suffer in silence, see if you can actually support a successful administration, or leave and find happiness elsewhere.

From: Other September 6, 2024
Look at the Presidents Past
The same issues at HCC happened at Everett where they were before. She took over an ATD leader college with a fantastic accreditation 7 year review and destroyed community partnerships, morale, and ran out experienced leaders. (These leaders included leaders of color who were seen as "rivals" to her power.)

For all the talk of diversity, she let the relationship with the local tribe whose land the college sits on erode, and broke community partnerships to served unhoused adult students and English Language Learners. HR was a crony department that was openly hostile to the unions.

Covid was tough on ALL colleges. Decisions had to be made that were difficult and challenging. But her previous college in her wake is still recovering from the destruction she left behind.
Advice to the Administration:
You hired a leader who has political ambitions and a personal agenda. This sometimes is part and parcel with transformational leadership. But it has drawbacks, she will leave the college when another opportunity comes around that is better.

From: Other September 6, 2024
So easy to hide.
How comforting it must be to cast unfounded accusations against volunteers doing what’s right for the institution and the community…. And a President that recognizes the future of HCC depends on real change. Although it’s not surprising giving the entitlement attitude of most of the posts. If you’re fussing and complaining here YOU are part of the problem Karen. If you don’t like the future of the college, then move on and be happy somewhere else, although it’s highly probable you won’t be happy anywhere. SMH.
Advice to the Administration:
Increased enrollment, historic donations to the foundation, unprecedented partnerships with national organizations, much needed work force development. Keep on keeping on Administration. The people fussing on this forum are self centered, myopic, and uninformed.

From: Employee September 6, 2024
Address the actual criticism
The ad hominem attack of this site (via LinkedIn) from VP Carter only demonstrates how weak the administration really is. Instead of addressing or even considering the criticism that's been offered they consistently attack the motivations as racist and/or sexist. This has been their go-to defense so many times now that's it's basically laughable. Being of a protected class does not insulate one from legitimate critiques.

Is it racist or sexist to note that the entire office of social justice up and quit in the last year and it has never been mentioned? What happened? The concern was raised at the data summit in January about employee retention and it was never addressed. Is it racist or sexist to look at the upheaval since 2022 in leadership and the impact that's had? Is it racist or sexist to wonder why there was no advance notice of the branding change to staff so they could prepare? Or maybe that's just typical of how poorly run the college is right now? Is it racist to ask why the administration actually locked their doors and called in armed guards when the faculty attempted to present their union certification?

Advice to the Administration:
Stop trying to quash all conversation by pretending every criticism is based on race or sex. Try reading and really listening to it.

From: Other September 4, 2024
Very Shameful
Use to be a great College to work for, now the place has fallen. I appears Dr. Willis cares more about politics and positioning her self for a run in a political office in the near future than fostering a great work environment. The way she chases the county executive and the governor is very telling on what she would like her next move to be. I have no problem with ambition but you can’t burn the house down in the process. Howard County has always been a place for the home grown and they took care of each other. You can tell she is an outsider. I have seen people relocate from other states only to leave the college in less that a year of getting there. The Board of Trustees should be ashamed of themselves for sitting back and allowing this to happen.
Advice to the Administration:
My advice is to the Board who hired The President, you all are responsible for the debacle that has taken place and need to re-evaluate your decisions accordingly….

From: Employee August 30, 2024
This is fun
Your skills and work ethic take a backseat to race, sexual preference, and gender at Howard Community College. Good luck getting promoted to leadership if you aren't in a marginalized group. It's not diversity of experience that matters here. Just the small minded, surface level, superficial group identity stuff. What a disgusting perversion of the open minded tolerance we teach our children.

Honestly, HCC is a toxic hell hole that I would highly advise all potential employees avoid. If you do take a job at HCC, you will wake up daily regretting your decision to join a terribly managed institution where your voice is never heard, leadership requires your buy-in or you are on the chopping block, and where disfunction is the name of the game!

Some days I feel like this whole thing is a joke…like the board did an experiment to see what would happen if you put in the most obviously toxic, fake, corrupt, narcissistic person in a position of power over others to see how bad it could get. Well, I can tell you it gets BAD.
Advice to the Administration:
As others have said, get over yourself. Leadership at HCC is literally the worst.

The board needs to be held accountable for hiring Willis and for ignoring the type of corruption and turmoil they seem to be blind to. The board is still actively committed to Willis, which is mind blowing, but at the end of the day they are driving this crazy train.

From: Employee August 25, 2024
At convocation, the president, evoking the gravitas of tattoos and sparkling pants, was proud that the college's new logo was designed in house, and not by an outside vendor who doesn't know our institution. I guess that philosophy does not apply to Swim consultants and ATD who we look to for academics, Campus Works who we turned to for IT, and to the senior leadership team, who are all new to the college with zero institutional knowledge, some simply appointed with no national search.
Advice to the Administration:
Trust the good people at HCC who had parts in making it the great institution it once was... those that are still around that is.

From: Employee August 23, 2024
Bare minimum (in all senses of the word)
Watching convocation online. Dr Willis is in great shape but showing a lot of skin and bra straps. I don't want to see or imagine the underwear of the people at the top running the college. Gross.
Advice to the Administration:
Put some clothes on so people take you seriously (both within the college and in the community). We get it, you're young and daring. I get that we're supposed to be thrilled that you're young and daring. But I'm not interested in seeing your underwear. Read the room. That portion of your audience (check out the audience pans) are not sitting there with their underwear on display.

From: Employee August 21, 2024
Another Year Begins
Another semester begins with confusion, unanswered questions, and inconsistent information among the three massive divisions. Yet another reorg proposed and on hold, little equity among divisions (vacant position is not being filled in the largest division and admin wants a FT faculty member to take over a major portion of the work in place of teaching ONE class-- one fifth of a full load).

Faculty and staff are working hard to plug the holes in admin's "plans" so students can focus on their academics, but are exhausted. Questions asked aren't answered and even the Deans seem to have little influence when expressing concerns and inequities to VPs.

Seven week classes are starting this fall and we STILL haven't been told by what metrics we'll use to assess whether the initiative is successful (we've been asking for nearly 2 years). Why? Because admin is going to choose the metrics after data are collected and present whatever metric(s) will make this initiative look good; they need the data first and will select accordingly. It will not be an honest assessment. And though they may ask faculty and students for feedback, they'll never show it all.

WE NEED students and parents to make their voices heard!! This administration only listens to their pursestrings.
Advice to the Administration:
Sigh. Seriously? Grow up and do your job for others not yourselves. If you can't stop acting solely for self-promotion, just leave sooner rather than later so we have a chance to be what we once were. You are a joke to the faculty and staff who do the front-facing work at HCC. You know nothing about "our" students despite your lip service and show-womanship.

From: Employee June 8, 2024
Shameful Leadership
While our dear leader is showing off her new clothes on Twitter and playing with Legos on LinkedIn, the needs of the faculty and students are being ignored. Questioning the edicts from the "Leadership Team" will get you fired and escorted off campus. Full-time faculty issues are ignored. Adjunct faculty are perceived as dispensable and paid so little that they often have to work at multiple jobs just to be able to put food on the table. Yet, favorites of Dr. Willis are hired at obscene salaries for the purpose of saying "yes" to every whim of our leader. While much attention is given to African American students, Students who are Latino, Asian, LGBTQ, and other minorities are ignored. Most of all, the relationship between HCC and the Howard County residents has been severely damaged. Treating faculty with condescension and catering to only one group of students is shameful.
Advice to the Administration:
Most of the leadership team and the queen need to resign. The Board of Trustees needs to look past the glitter, the fake smiles, the new shoes, and the obscene spending of financial resources on people who have no idea what serving students really means.

From: Other June 7, 2024
HCC should not divorce itself from Columbia's vision
As was already stated, HCC has always been more than just a community college. It was a place for the community to gather for theater and the arts, but no longer.

The current administration has failed to understand that by bringing the community into the college campus they create connections with retirees who are going to enjoy the campus and what it offers and recommend it to their children's children. And connections with working adults who will be more likely to take courses that enhance their careers. By excluding everyone except for those seeking degrees they have isolated the college and reduced it's value to the community at large.

Many people in Columbia looked forward to attending theatrical events, art exhibits and other cultural offerings. But all of that has been destroyed by the current narrow minded administration. It feels like HCC has divorced itself from the town of Columbia that created it.
Advice to the Administration:
Re-establish the theater and art offerings that drew the community into HCC and be humble enough to accept that HCC has always been part of a community vision that served the college much better than the current ill-conceived and narrow vision that the current administration is pushing.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
Failure to acknowledge a changing world
The administration's stubborn refusal to make the most of online classes and their refusal to accept anything less than than the old paradigm of 'asses in seats' is leading to financial losses for the college. Like it or not, online classes are a necessary and well liked part of today's educational system.
Advice to the Administration:
Embrace the fact that many community college students have heavy work loads and family commitments outside of their college life and provide a way for these students to gain the education they seek rather than stifling them and driving them to other educational institutions.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
What happened to the days when HCC actually led other community colleges?
The college seems to be determined to continue with this slow slide into mediocrity, following other colleges' leads rather than leading.
Advice to the Administration:
James Rouse's vision for Columbia is slowly being forgotten and with it the vision for HCC. The administration needs to think of the college as a part of Columbia and not as an insulated, generic community college like all the others.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
So many have been 'disappeared'
So many resignations and an air of resignation in what is now a culture of fear. So many long-term employees suddenly "disappeared" without warning. Very disheartening to hear -- yet again -- that a colleague you worked with for decades was just terminated and hustled out of the building.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
Dr. Willis has missed the entire point!
The current administration doesn't seem to realize it's a COMMUNITY college. Decrying older community members taking classes without earning credits as if that's the only charter for the school is short sighted and insulting.
Advice to the Administration:
Return to the founding principles that established Howard Community College as a central and integrated part of the vision for Columbia. HCC was always more than just a community college. It was a cultural center to be enjoyed by the entire community of Columbia not just degree seekers.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
There is no more shared governance
Opportunities to lead by serving as Chair or Dean have been restricted to lackeys approved from on high, and deans have no power to advocate for faculty.
Advice to the Administration:
Elevate those who are experienced to Chair and Dean positions.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
maleficence embodied
Dr. Willis denied Professor Emeritus status to a highly respected and admired colleague who'd served 40+ years at the college before she retired, simply out of spite. Dr. Willis does not know this former professor and should not have the ability to steal a well deserved honor this way. I can only hope that this happens to Dr. Willis at the end of her career.

Advice to the Administration:
The granting of Emeritus status should be decided by the nominee's life-long colleagues.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
Too much emphasis on personal 'brand' building
New president seems more concerned with attending conferences and building her brand -- for some other future that does not include Howard Community College.
Advice to the Administration:
Install a new president that is concerned more with the success of the college, not her personal success.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
All PhDs are equal, but some PhDs are more equal than others
Everyone is required to address senior leadership with PhDs as "Dr." but faculty with PhDs are referred to by their first names by senior leadership. We were also informed at a meeting to think of senior leadership as the "white collar workers" while faculty should see themselves as the "blue collar workers." No respect.
Advice to the Administration:
Leadership needs to get over themselves. Seriously.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
Blatant conflict of interest
Dr. Willis has installed her self-described "bestie" to run the HR department and installed herself as the college's EEO rep. This compromises both the HR department and EEO's ability to function fairly. How is this even ethical?
Advice to the Administration:
Dr. Willis should not be the EEO rep and the HR department head should not be beholden to the president.

From: Employee June 5, 2024
Bloated VP roster
HCC now has eight VPs making $250k apiece, but since the exit of the last VP of Academic Affairs (before even a year had passed at HCC), they never replaced anyone in that position, and faculty no longer have representation at the executive level. Management's solution is to fire the adjuncts to adjust to the shortfall of $$
Advice to the Administration:
Reduce the middle management that serves only to insulate the president from the realities of the colleges overall health

From: Employee June 5, 2024
non-anonymous surveys are dangerous to employees
Employees are required to complete surveys online about their opinions of management at the college, but they can't be anonymous
Advice to the Administration:
we need truly anonymous surveys if the administration wants honest feedback

From: Employee May 2, 2024
The administration is running this school into the ground
It seems clear that the administration is running this school into the ground, for reasons unknown, and the Board of Trustees is just standing by and watching it happen. The college president and the vice presidents have done everything possible to alienate, anger, disenfranchise, and otherwise upset the faculty. They've launched "improvements" that make no sense, given faculty little if any time to adjust to changes, and when we raise concerns we're told we're "complaining" or "standing in the way of progress." Rather than take any criticism or accept any responsibility, the administration - in particular Daria Willis - passes the buck, and when people voice legitimate complaints their either fired or forced to resign in order to be replaced with Willis' cronies. This used to be a great college, and it can be again, but something has to happen at the top or the ship will go down with all of us in it.
Advice to the Administration:
Quit your jobs, get out of education, and hide your faces in shame.

From: Employee April 25, 2024
Awful Place to Work
The problem ultimately stems from the top. The president never once addressed me by my correct name after meeting me several times. Was very difficult getting any time to even introduce myself to her in the first place, and that absenteeism was present all down the chain of command. So many good people have left under questionable circumstances, and then are replaced by folks who simple cannot perform. If even half of the stories being told about this place are true, folks should stay far away. Perhaps the worst is that strong internal candidates are not promoted in favor of external know-nothings whose failures cost the college both money and reputation. Employees don't feel that management has their backs anymore, and anyone talented has left or is counting the days until retirement.
Advice to the Administration:
The board needs to look at a report of turnover in the past few years and soberly assess whether the college is moving in the right direction.

From: Employee April 15, 2024
The people running this college are incompetent. They do not know what they are doing. Not sure how long this place can last. Is sad.
Advice to the Administration:
Take leadership classes. Have respect
For employees.

From: Employee March 23, 2024
A Great Place to Work If...
It is a great place to work if you can keep your head down and have a stomach for toxicity. The students are great. Academic leadership is great. Most students are eager to grow and be a part of a safe community where they can learn and be guided. The academic leadership Provost and team are very dedicated and have great ideas on the academic growth of the school.

Honestly it’s really just the President and her cronies who make it an uncomfortable environment. It is difficult to speak truth to power in a way that is helpful and puts the mission of the school first. It’s clear that the President is all about what she wants and the BOT is in her pocket. She has no people skills and leadership does not come natural to her. It’s truly is her way or the highway, she and HR take the term “at will” literally and have been known to ambush people and have campus police escort them out without giving them a reason or justification for their termination. They sit in cabinet meetings and don’t discuss strategy but rather talk about the people who work there and who they don’t like. It’s all very juvenile and if you come there with real experience and ideas as a leader you will feel like your talents are being wasted. Leaving was a gift from God!
Advice to the Administration:
No advice for leadership they won’t take it🙃. Advice for county and state leadership… get a new president and new BOT asap. You can find a pool of talented and experienced leaders in the industry to build buildings but it takes leadership skills, love for mission and experience to lead an institution. I’m sorry to say but current President is just not qualified and truly is bringing the reputation of the school down into an abyss of continuously low completion rates, disgruntled staff and frustrated faculty. Her immaturity professionally and personally is single-handedly causing the school to crumble. Well not single-handedly she gets lots of help from HR, Legal and Comms. It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors so you can’t do it without those departments. They’re either advising her poorly or not speaking up.

From: Employee March 22, 2024
And the gaslighting continues...
Knowlegeable people are being driven away as if they have no value. I don't know what the plan is, but it looks like doom and destruction. No wonder we need information on bullying from our EAP!
Advice to the Administration:
Start being the spiritual person you pretended to be at "your coronation". You don't have to like us. Just respect us, and give us a chance to support the organization for which we once cared.

From: Employee March 20, 2024
Sinking Ship
Was a great place to work years ago but the new President Willis, came in like a wrecking ball!!!!!
Advice to the Administration:
She is above all else she is the queen as she puts it

From: Employee February 24, 2024
help. please.
Oh my. endless issues, starting at the top. there's no direction, eight zillion initiatives that constantly change, gaslighting, requests for feedback that are clearly only requested so admin can say they asked. this place is the so dysfunctional it's funny. wish i didn't care. anyone below vp level is treated like trash by the higher ups.
college paid to take 22 admin people to a single conference and then a pic with alcohol in it was posted on social media. huh? did prez go to disney with her kid on a work day? where is the board of trustees and oversight of this admin? the good ones among our "leaders"? we know who you are. someone stand up for what is right...
Advice to the Administration:
quit. resign. take a class in humanity. maybe rebrand yourself and not a 50 year old established and once respected HoCo institution

From: Employee February 6, 2024
Low morale
Lack of concern for the support staff. The new President doesn't care for the little people. It's a poisonous environment, I work there for over 20 year and was not able to grow due to politics. There are various departments that do as they please and the President is fully aware.. Long time employees are dropping like flies. It's very disappointing because I thought she would make a difference.
Advice to the Administration:
Get rid of those bad apples that are still creating a bad environment for the ones that are still there.

From: Employee January 25, 2024
Concerned about huge exodus of experienced faculty and staff. It feels like the well earned reputation of the college is vanishing right before us. The leadership is so out of touch with reality. Very egocentric. And self-promoting.
Advice to the Administration:
Board of Trustees needs to recognize that they do not work for Dr Willis. They are to provide oversight and guidance.

From: Employee January 24, 2024
The senior administration is horrible. Hard working dedicated employees have been fired, forced out or left on their own because of the toxic environment the senior administration created. The president is a total narcissist. Childish and vengeful. The Board of Trustees has ignored what’s going on. Why is the big question?
Advice to the Administration:
Remove the president and all her sycophants.

From: Employee January 23, 2024
Good college, toxic leadership
Toxic work environment, poor leadership, and terrible president (Daria Willis)

From: Employee December 28, 2023
One giant mess
What once was an award-winning institution that fostered altruism, thoughtful collaboration, and intellectual freedom is now a sinking ship. Since the arrival of the new president, the condition of the institution and the morale have deteriorated significantly. There has been a ‘mass exodus’ of employees who have either been forced out or outright fired for simply disagreeing with the president or not tolerating or adhering to her unethical policies and practices. The president has cultivated an environment of fear and distrust, where it is unsafe to express opinions that don’t align with hers or any type of dissent. She is narcissistic, vindictive, and immature. All the while, she and her inner circle smile and act like everything is copacetic. It’s all a façade. I could go on with many examples of how the college has deteriorated, but I don’t think there is enough space to do so. I encourage you to read all the other reviews that express the same sentiment…

The board of trustees have been wildly complicit through all of this chaos. They have dismissed and gaslit anyone who have expressed urgency and distress regarding the condition of the college and the president’s behavior. They are so enchanted by her that it has blinded them to the reality of what is happening. They have refused to acknowledge, or, at the very least, investigate the claims that have been brought to their attention. They have forgotten that in addition to the importance of supporting the president, they also have an obligation to hold the president accountable when it comes to the condition of the institution and the well-being of its employees and students. This has not happened. It is evident that there is a political agenda and that HCC’s “image” is more of a priority than addressing what is really happening and intervening. It’s shameful and deplorable.

From: Employee December 25, 2023
Racist "Prez" and Posse, abysmal new management
Paranoid (as hell) New president who is - news flash - profoundly racist and PROFOUNDLY bad at management, leadership, wise decisions, and long term planning.
Advice to the Administration:
Continue doing what you're doing. That is- crashing and burning. Sending an accredited institution into the ground at record speed. Yahoo.

From: Employee December 21, 2023
It is shocking how quickly this once great institution has fallen
The new administration is destroying the longstanding virtuous reputation HCC represented since the beginning. Employees are being fired and humiliated based on false accusations. The environment is terrible, toxic, and a shame.

The environment is toxic and has become racist.

Employee morale is lowest I have ever seen it in my 20+ years of working at HCC. It is shocking what the day to day is now like. It literally feels like a dictatorship regime.

From: Employee December 21, 2023
Toxic Work Environment Where Big Brother is Watching
The president is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and has tried to make so many changes all at once that no one could ever keep up. Campus cameras are monitored regularly as are emails because we are not trusted. Anyone who disagrees is suddenly led out by security. Toxic!
Advice to the Administration:
The Board of Trustees should really be more attentive to what is happening inside our institution.

From: Employee December 13, 2023
Not Recommended
Freedom of speech is severely limited.
Advice to the Administration:
Management should study the successes of past HCC leadership. HCCs former reputation of greatness has faltered for the first time in its history.

From: Employee November 13, 2023
The new president has dismantled and destroyed this once wonderful institution
The college’s president is over her head and a very bad leader. The culture is one of mistrust, lack of communication, intimidation, and fear. No vision for how to execute strategic goals or what it takes to implement changes. Leadership excuses all negative feedback by saying that employees can’t handle changes—this is not true.

From: Employee October 9, 2023
New President ruined everything
How much time do you have? The politics of the new administration, including wild agenda regarding racist hiring, has driven this once nationally ranked community college into the ground. Disagreeing with managing means immediate firing! Many have been escorted out by security, retirement benefits withheld, pay withheld, little to no notice to find a new job, and the list goes on. The BoT and Governor of the state are aligned with the new President and her self-appointed team, so there is little to no hope of change coming soon.
Advice to the Administration:
Resign. All upper management should resign and find a new career field. Stay away from higher education.

From: Employee September 21, 2023
Dysfunction abounds
A culture of fear and confusion has permeated the institution. One hand does not know what the other is doing. Turnover is very high and morale very low.

From: Employee September 11, 2023
Dear Prez Willis: Week 3 of Semester. Would you work without a contract?
New cabal of middle upper management brought in by "Prez" Willis. Her henchman HR "guru" Whalen has made HR an anti-employee hostile experience. An entire class of Adjunct Faculty do not have contracts for their work. We are in Week 3 of the semester. Only excuses from HR, still no solution. Enough is enough.
Advice to the Administration:
Social media is just an outward image. Without the actual institutional substance and leadership a college cannot function. Approaching 2 years and counting down until the next round.

From: Employee August 17, 2023
Unqualified Leadership
When your Leader PhD in an Eductional background, comes in with little People and Business leadership skills, one of two things can happen. The first is that they surround themself with really good, capable people, who are not afraid to voice an opinion, and whom you place trust in to get the job done. Or, you can take the "I'm in charge and the Smartest Person in the Room" approach, surround yourself with "Yes" people who won't tell you what you need to hear, and become paranoid, delusional and artifically inflate your status and importance. Sadly, as most of the reviews can attest, she chose the latter. We knew we were in trouble in the first month she insisted on personally interviewing every new hire candidate throughout the organization, no matter the level of the role. No other decision exemplifies the intent to micromanage than that.
Advice to the Administration:
There is still time to right the ship, but it will be hard because it will take a personal change at the top that admits what her strengths and weaknesses are, and a willingness to demonstrate vulnerability by admitting faults and committing to open, honest communications and a willingness to hear and really listen to feedback, even if the message is unwelcome. We'll see if that kind of introspection is possible.

From: Employee July 20, 2023
The people who are still there, that have been there a while, care immensely about the institution and student success. I have no idea how the college is still functioning under current leadership. The people mentioned above that have been there for a while and care deeply are leaving or being forced out by the terrible and unethical HR team that was brought in by the current president. Faculty and staff are being bullied and it is creating a culture of fear and intimidation that is making the institution a downward spiral with no end in sight. Imagine going to work everyday being afraid that your job will be taken from under you at any moment for no logical reason and also hearing that someone new has been escorted off campus again, for no logical reason. That is what working at HCC is like. Do yourself a favor and stay very far away. You deserve better.
Advice to the Administration:
Care more about the people doing the work, the people who have dedicated their heart and soul to the success of the students that walk through those doors. They are the people that keep the institution running and they don’t deserve the way they are being treated and the students don’t deserve the ripple effect that is occurring due to poor management. The fact that the board of trustees is not turning heads over the mass exodus that is occurring is astounding and speaks volumes to the immediate future of the institution. For HCC to get better, there are a few key players that either need to leave or open their eyes to what they are doing to what used to be an amazing institution that I now would recommend to no one.

From: Employee July 13, 2023
Changes for the worse
The culture has changed for the worse, and the direction the organization is headed is not good. Upper management has turned over multiple times in the past couple of years. The sense of stability is gone. Huge unnecessary changes and reorganizations have mostly not made any sense and caused morale to tank. The new leadership has not been employee focused which is hurting the institution as a whole.
Advice to the Administration:
Start trusting your workforce, be honest and be humble. Provide employees with a stable environment that puts them at the forefront. The institution is what it is because of the faculty and staff. Create a place where employees can thrive and the college will thrive with them.

From: Employee July 1, 2023
This place has become a nightmare
Under new president Daria Willis, HCC has become a nightmare where employees are bullied, trust is nonexistent, and the "leaders" are so unbelievably immature and narcissistic they can't even see the harm they are causing the institution. President Willis doesn't allow anyone to question her, even if they are sincerely trying to provide necessary information for a better outcome. She seems to blame all dissent or alternate ideas on her steadfast opinion that "people just don't want to change" but she doesn't want to actually consider that she may not have all the answers, as she so clearly believes she does. Why has the board of trustees allowed this to continue? With every additional hire (or appointment) by this leadership, more long-term damage is being done. There is a reason people have been fleeing HCC in droves.
Advice to the Administration:
Grow up. Move on.

From: Employee May 16, 2023
I am in great pain
The joy of working here has been completely absorbed by the autocratic reign of one Daria Willis
Advice to the Administration:
show ANY form of appreciation for your staff before they all peace out

From: Employee July 9, 2022
Where are the Board of Trustees?
The college is in a death spiral. Change is welcome but there is no rhyme or reason to current changes; no metrics to measure results and no recognition from the President of the skills and potential contributions of talented college staff/faculty. While employees are leaving in droves, the president is posing on Twitter. Embarrassing for an “award winning” college.
Advice to the Administration:
Where is the Board of Trustees and are they asking the tough questions?

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